On Dad Grief. When it comes to grief and loss, there’s an imbalance—a grief support disparity. Mostly by our own doing, or lack of doing. Men, and specifically fathers, are underrepresented. When you lose a child (or anyone, really), women seem to lead the way. Heck, the literal book on the subject was written by…
Read moreAnnual Review 2024: 52 ways to Shea.
Every year, I write an annual review—a look back at the year that was and a plan for the year ahead. Well, except last year. And, apparently, this year. Twenty Twenty-Four. Woof. Sure, I could look back and pick out moments that made me smile, milestones worth celebrating. But let’s be real: 2024 will always…
Read moreChristmas Wonder.
I wonder what you want for Christmas. I wonder how we’ll do it without you. I wonder if we would have watched the grinch. I wonder if you would have learned to ski for real this year. I wonder what terrible gift you would have wanted to get your mom. I wonder if your sister…
Read moreGrief — In and Out.
Grief — In and Out. There should be another word for grief. There probably is one, but I’m too tired to go thesaurusing. Because, in truth, there are two very distinct versions of it. One is outward. You grieve with others. Sometimes for others. It’s collective, communal. Remembering, talking, sometimes crying. Together. The other is…
Read moreMischief and Mohawks
Get off that thing. Don’t eat that. No, you can’t have a mohawk. Put my phone down. Stop wrestling. Slow down on that bike. As parents, we spend so much time trying to keep our kids in line—especially our boys. In the month and some days since my son passed, I’ve realized that some of…
Read moreThe Noise.
The stairs to our bedroom on the third floor are quiet. It is the only real spot in our home that has carpet. We live in an old house. 1899 old. Creaky hardwood floors and noises everywhere. So when my father and I remodeled the home, we added carpet to tamp down the noise a…
Read moreGrief is awkward.
I’ve realized over the last few weeks and months that no one teaches us how to grieve. What to do. No one teaches us how to support those who are grieving—what to do, say, or offer. I’ve been on both sides supporting, and being supported, and it is clear we are all mostly awkward AF….
Read moreAnger and Rage.
There are stages of grief. Or that’s what people say. People say a lot of things. I’m at the anger stage. Maybe it’s rage? Where’s the line? Maybe it doesn’t matter. Angry. At myself. For being numbed to the dangers of epilepsy by years of our daughter’s seizures. For the what ifs. The sliding doors….
Read moreA Eulogy for My Boy
Shea Thomas, We celebrate you today. Your friends are here. Your family. Your “Framily”. Your crowd. Your school. A firetruck came. Yep, it’s red. Georgie is here. People from all over your life. We’ve got so many pictures and videos and memories- all of you being cute and mischievous. You would be so happy and…
Read moreMeasuring Contentment – 2022 Annual Review Part 2
Is Contentment Measurable? Or does the act of attempting to measure it mean you are in fact, not content? In part one, I reflected on a year that felt a bit meh, despite all the evidence otherwise. On how “more” wasn’t simply the answer, even if I expected it to be. I was able to…
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