2015 was filled with with some solid travel and life accomplishments (see: Part 1). Looking forward to 2016, life is more settled than its typically been given that we’ll be in our current home & location for at least the next 3+ years. Most of the work on the house has been done, the dog (semi) trained. Long story short, no reason not to knock out goals in all four aspects of 2016.


  • Volunteer 10 Hours Per Month: Deadline EOM, every month.
  • Double Down on Dog Training: George is awesome, clearly. But he can be can a handful when not exercised, and could still be much better at listening/not eating our house when I travel. Deadline: 1 new skill per month (January: Put your own f’ing toys away dog)
  • Cut Mortgage in HalfThe biggest benefit of living in Reading PA is that property is crazy cheap and mortgage balances have 5 digits rather than 6 or 7. The downside is that building real long term equity won’t happen unless we’re very intentional about it. Deadline: 50% paid off by EOY.
  • Finish Last 10% of Remodel:  You know, all that stuff that is a pain in the ass and very easy to ignore like trim, moulding. etc. Deadline: 5/1.
  • Break Ground on Lake House: 2015 was a pretty big fail here so in 2016 the goal is finalize building plans and to break ground in the spring. Deadline 6/1.
  • Read 12 Non-Fiction Books: Any Suggestions? Deadline EOY.


  • 15 Days Overseas: 30+ days seems unlikely given that my wife gets about 5 off but between a trip or two with her and a solo trip or two 15 seems doable. Deadline 10 days booked by 5/1. (side note: Anyone want to dog sit?)
  • Visit Hawaii: America’s 50th state is also my 50th. I’ve been saying I’m going to visit for 3 years.  2016 is the year. Deadline: Trip booked by 3/1. (side note: want to dog sit?)
  • Surf 5 Days: I’ve been a consistent once a year surfer for 5 or so years. I enjoy it as much as anything I do athletically, despite being terrible. Combined with either of the two above 5 days should be doable. Deadline EOY. (Note: filed under travel since the surf scene here in reading is yet to blossom.)
  • Canal Trip: In 2015, a group of us took the Erie Canal from Lake Ontario down to home sweet hector via the Erie and Oswego canals. It was a kick ass way to see the state, and there’s no reason it shouldn’t be done every year with so much of the canal system still unexplored. Deadline 9/15.
  • 1 Overnight Moto-Trip: I’ve spend time plenty of time scanning the adventure porn mecca that is ADVRider. PA has miles of dirt to explore that would be time much better spent. Deadline: 8/1


  • 3x Adventure Races: At least one of which should be 48 Hour+. We’re already signed up for the Rev3 Shenandoah Epic, so two more should be doable. Deadline 11/1.
  • Bike Around Seneca Lake: A hold over from 2015. No reason not to get this done. Deadline 6/15
  • Mountain Bike 20+ Times: Reading may not have a sick surf break, but it does have miles and miles of killer mountain bike trails. No reason not to get out more consistently. Deadline EOY
  • 5 Million Steps: A while back I bought myself a fancy adventure watch, which can also track daily activity levels. While I’m generally pretty active, I’ve already noticed that my general activity levels are schizophrenic with <5000 some days and 15,000+ the next.  5 Million steps works out to about 13,698 steps 0r 7 or so miles per day. Seems doable right?. Deadline: EOY


  • Create Detailed 18 Month Plan: One that outlines exactly why, how and when we’ll grow (or shrink???) Deadline: January 30. 
  • Hire 2x Top Tier Team Members: LooseGrip has been fairly successful at attracting great team members and contractors in spite having a super passive (read: non-existent)hiring strategy. 2016 is that year that needs to change. Deadline: 1 hire by 3/1.
  • Find 1 “local” client: Currently all of our clients are a good drive or flight away. The Reading area may not be a hotbed for tech, but there are plenty of companies large enough to need help at a national level. Deadline: 10/1.
  • Optimize Work Days, Times, Locales: Even though I have the ability to work wherever, whenever. I find myself sticking to a fairly conventional 7:30 – 4ish M-F workday even though my productivity reaches near zero after 2pm. I’m hoping to document and build a more intentional work day based on what works best for output. Deadline 3/1
  • Reorganize Biz Logistics: While moving constantly over the last 5 or so years, LooseGrip has remained a Virginia corporation with A DC area bank and PO box. This leads to the occasional 4 hour round trip to deposit a check (which may not be considered as a well optimized workday) Deadline 1/30. 


About my #AnnualReview: For the last 5 or so years, I’ve tried to look back at the year before and see how it stacks up, while also setting goals for the year to come. I find the exercise invaluable as a mechanism to be inspired to do more cool stuff. The Life, Fitness, Business, Travel categories work best for me, but if you’d like to do your own I recommend checking out my buddy Chris’s template to get started.

NeilCallanan Uncategorized ,

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