As I noted in part 1: 2019 was a real doozy. As I sat down to think about what I wanted to be different about 2020, I was drawn to a post by a favorite on a depth year. His post which is now a couple of years advocates for deeper focus, rather than wider. Re-read old books. Pick back up on the hobbies you already started. Double down on depth, vs. perpetually searching for the next.

I am a poster child for constantly searching for the next. I have too many hobbies, with skill levels that range from mediocre to non-existent/aspirational. The width of my hobbies more of problem than a virtue. I waste hours every evening “researching”. If I’d have spent even 1/4 of that time reading a book I’d be smarter, sleep better and drink less. Prior to getting settled in Rochester, many of my hours of “research” went into where we’d move, housing markets, and misc articles about the 10 best cities for the outdoorsy. It felt more productive than researching turning my truck into an overland rig. It probably wasn’t, but still.

2020 is going to be the year I go deeper on the things in my life. Enjoying our new city, my new work community, the toys I already have. The books I half read. The parks near us. The trails down the street. The stuff my family can enjoy together without getting on a plane. Our front porch. Our local bar. Contentment. Finding ways to shed half baked hobbies, rather than pick new ones up.


  • Conduct Micro Resolutions: These are 30 day challenges designed to shake things up a bit. Ideas on the list: (February: Booze, April: No travel, Sundays: No internet.) Deadline: Scheduled by 1/31
  • Shed a couple hobbies: This will mean selling gear/stuff and or memberships. Deadline: 6/1
  • Finish 5 unread Kindle books: I read a good amount. But have found myself crushing fiction and passing on the real meaty stuff. Deadline: 10/1 
  • Continue to offload: Our life is better since we made some serious actions to make life easier (Got help with laundry, committed to grocery delivery etc.). I don’t know why I resist it but spending money to make our lives easier is so much more satisfying than a new car lease or cable. Deadline: 2 More things by 6/1
  • Automate: I’ve a ton of “smart home” crap. Almost none of it is hooked up to any real schedules or automation. Deadline: 4/27


  • LooseGrip + MeetBrief:  If 2020 is going to be the year that MeetBrief gets rolling its going to be because of how we weave into into LooseGrip interactions. Deadline: 3/15
  • 12 “Fuck Yeahs”: Basically our way of measuring the moments, wins and events that make for a killer year.  Deadline: 12/31
  • Speak at 1 additional conference: In 2018 I got a chance to speak at a kickass event in Bangkok. I’m aiming to do something similar in 2019. (2020) Deadline: Submissions by 2/15
  • Offload operations fully – Meaning automating or outsourcing accounting, book keeping and taxes. Deadline: 4/15
  • LooseGrip Revenue + 25% – The agency has gotten the short end of the stick the lst two years as we focused on the software launch. 2020 will be a year of depth and focus on renewed growth. Deadline 12/31.


  • Family trip: One more local trip before the baby comes with Lida getting our full attention. Deadline: 4/15
  • Adult only trip: We’ve got a great trip to Kauai planned in the coming weeks, I can’t wait. Deadline 1/15.
  • 60 days straight travel free: I have a general state of wanderlust. I’d like to test my own reliances on the “escape” by forcing staying put for a couple of months. Deadline: Calendar blocked by 1/30.
  • 10 New York State Parks: Sounds easy when I write it down. Upstate has some killer parks that I never ventured to growing up because of the riches we were spoiled by so close. Perfect goal for Lida and I.Deadline 12/31


  • One adventure race: Given the price and training requirements, one is a solid win if we can make it happen. Deadline: Register by 2/1. 
  • Focus on my fitness weaknesses: There are a few things I can do better than average, but I tend to skip the days that focus on those I suck at. 2x body weight squat, 375 deadlift. Deadline 10/1. 
  • Paddleboard for distance: When we are at the lake, I do it often and enjoy it immensely. I’d like to try and do a couple long distance paddles this summer (10 Miles+) Deadline 9/15
  • Variety: At least one day per week doing something other than Crossfit.  Climbing, biking, racquetball, whatever. Deadline 1/7


About my annual review: For the last 9 or so years, I’ve tried to look back at the year before and see how it stacks up, while also setting goals for the year to come. I find the exercise invaluable as a mechanism to be inspired to do more cool stuff. As categories  Life, Fitness, Business & Travel work best for me, but if you’d like to do your own I recommend checking out my buddy Chris’ Template to get started.

NeilCallanan Truths

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