I’m not going to go as far as to say that if you can’t do the following, it means you are not a man. I will go as far as saying it does mean you are not the kind of man I want to be. Some things you should just know how to do: Start a fire – This …
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #3 – Hustle is More Valuable Than Frugality
I am all for being cheap (driving used cars, drinking rail liquor, shopping at TJ Maxx etc.) but this is not the key to getting wealthy. Bill Gates (or any self-made wealthy person) did not get rich by shopping at Aldi. He hustled, and was always …
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #2 – Every 14-21 year-old should have to work in a restaurant for 1 year.
If I had to pick employees based on college GPA or years worked in the service industry, the latter would win out every time. Life in the “real-world” means you have to work for a-holes (at least for a while), deal with cheap angry customers, rely…
Read more31 Unverifiable Truths, 31 Days. #1 – Fall is the best season.
You know how there are things that you believe so strongly, they become a fact. Things that you don’t ever question the truthfulness of? This month, I’ll post about one each day. It is ok if you don’t agree, provided you are ok with being WRONG. -…
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