There you are, jogging along when the rain begins to slowly creep in. As the drops come harder and faster, your feet just naturally begin to move a bit quicker. The more drenched you get, the less your body seems to care that your lungs are burnin…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #23 – People Who Don’t Drink Coffee Freak Me Out.
Coffee is delicious. It is a warm, delicious beverage that gives you a bit of a boost AND is good for you. Or so they say this month. A couple years back I did a year of 12 micro resolutions. Quitting coffee for a month was harder than booze, meat…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #22 – Debt Is For Douche Bags.
We spend years teaching students calculus or french which serve no practical application for the 99% who will go on to do something totally unrelated for a living. Yet I remember exactly zero times during all of H.S. or college where financial lit…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth # 21 – Stop Looking For Reasons To Have Less Fun
Seems like on a daily basis one of my friends or colleagues is explaining why they are staying home and not doing _________. “I’m taking a break from drinking” OK… are you also taking a break from fun? “I’ve got a really busy week.” Are you real…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #20 – Too Hoppy is an Oxymoron.
Beer is good. Really, really, good. And while there is room for all types and styles I.P.A.’s are clearly the class leader these days. What makes a good I.P.A. you ask? Hops, lots and lots of hops. Three you should try today: Evolution Brewing #6 …
Read moreUnverifiable Truth # 19 – You Don’t See Enough Live Music.
But neither do I frankly. Someday sooner than you hope you’ll have 2.5 kids, and the concept of heading out to see a show will require a weeks planning. If you live anywhere worth living, there is live music to be found almost every night. How man…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #18 – The Best Way to See The World is on Two Wheels
I love to travel. I especially love to travel on two wheels, both motorized and leg powered varietals. You can see, smell, and hear your surroundings allowing a wholly different level of experience. Bicycling through a new city, town or village al…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #17 – Adventure Will Not Come to You.
100 years ago everyday was an adventure. Need some milk? You might get kicked in the face trying to get it. Hungry? Head into the woods and find your dinner. Need to get from NY to DC? The interstate system still has 40 years before it will be inv…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth # 16 – Life is Too Short to Eat at Subway.
Sometimes you just have to take a stand, this was one of those days. Earlier this year I was in the midst of ordering yet another unsatisfying Subway sub from my local franchisee. I didn’t want the sub, he clearly did not have much interest in mak…
Read moreUnverifiable Truth #15 – Read a Book, Idiot.
Its been said before by many people much smarter than I, but I am constantly amazed at how often I meet people who quite literally do not read anything that does not appear on a computer screen. Yet nearly every highly successful person I meet cou…
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