I Spent 25 Days Without the Internet. Here’s What Happened:

As referenced in my previous post, I intended to spend the last few weeks of the summer fully disconnected. On the evening of Thursday August 11th, I turned off my laptop and deleted all the internet related apps and email. My phone was essentially a really expensive flip phone w/ Google Maps. While disconnected from…

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Unverifiable Experiments: 21 Day Digital Detox

I am a small business owner. Who happens to run an internet-based company. One that provides services that relate to the interwebs 100% of the time. This is my excuse. The reason I convince myself it is OK to stare at a screen for half (or more) of my waking hours. The reason I “can’t”…

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Norway Part 3: The Trolltunga Hike, a Postholing Adventure.

Mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed, I came across an image that stopped me in my tracks. It just so happen to be Trolltunga, or the Troll’s Tongue. I’ll admit that a good portion of my motivation for heading to Norway at all was just that one photo, overlooking what seemed to be photoshopped lake. At the…

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Norway Part 1: Preikestolen

I’ve had a fascination with Norway for years dating back to LooseGrip’s early work with Norwegian company, TANDBERG. It is generally considered one of the happiest countries in the world, their citizens have the highest standard of living worldwide, heck their mass murders live like the %1. So following a biz trip to London, I…

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Photoset: Tulum, Mexico

Prior to our trip, I was nervous Tulum’s proximity to Cancun and Playa Del Carmen would mean meals were eaten at the Senor Frogs, and we’d be fighting cruise ship goers to get a view of anything worth taking a picture of. I was very wrong. Just 1.5 hours and one straight shot south of…

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Unverifiable Annual Review Part 2: Looking Ahead

2015 was filled with with some solid travel and life accomplishments (see: Part 1). Looking forward to 2016, life is more settled than its typically been given that we’ll be in our current home & location for at least the next 3+ years. Most of the work on the house has been done, the dog (semi)…

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Unverifiable Annual Review: 2015 Part 1 Looking Back

2015: Married my kickass wife on an island. Watched said wife become a doctor. Acquired badass adventure dog and house. Remodeled said house & trained said dog without losing a limb. Honeymooned in asia, got crazy massages. Ate my weight in bahn mi, drank my share(s) of 25 cent beers. Traveled the Erie Canal, RV’d…

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Unverifiably Homeless – A 5 Step Guide to Becoming a Nomad

Where do you live? Oh, everywhere. But also, nowhere. About this time last year, My fiance (now wife) and were discussing a plan for the following year. She, being a 4th year medical student would be forced to be semi-nomadic while she did 4 or 6 week rotations to conclude medical school. I, having no…

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